If your teeth have stains that can’t be bleached, or your teeth are chipped or worn, porcelain veneers are a beautiful solution. Dr. Smith is an accomplished cosmetic dentist with an “artist’s eye” for detail during these procedures. What makes porcelain veneers the choice for beautiful cosmetic dentistry is that they mimic natural teeth perfectly. Veneers are thin wafers of porcelain approximately a half a millimeter thick, are harder than tooth enamel, last for years, and resist wear and staining.
If you think you may be interested in porcelain veneers but aren’t sure, give us a call. We can schedule a complimentary consultation where you can ask Dr. Smith any questions you may have. You can rest assured he will not pressure you, veneers are not the optimal solution for every case. He will give his honest opinion of whether you will get the results you expect. If you are serious about having veneers placed, Dr. Smith will usually have his lab technician do a complete cosmetic wax-up so you can see what your teeth will look like before treatment is started!
Dr. Smith interviews each person very carefully to determine the smile style that is appropriate for your personality, complexion, and facial shape. He will then create a smile makeover on a model, so you can see in advance what it will look like and approve it.
A thin slice of your tooth surface is removed (the thickness of a fingernail) to allow room for porcelain veneers, and impressions of your teeth are made. In the meantime, you need to protect your teeth as the surface is exposed and may attract stains. Dr. Smith lets you “test-drive” your smile with provisional plastic veneers until your porcelain veneers are completed. This protects your teeth and gives you another opportunity to inform us if further changes need to be made.
When your smile is approved, your veneers are masterfully bonded to your natural teeth and you have the beautiful, striking smile you’ve always desired.